For celebrities only

ATTN: Celebrities: Here’s how you can help a family escape poverty forever


I’m Dwight Clough, I’m working to end poverty, and I need your help.

I believe the best way to end poverty is to help people—one family at a time—to find their own escape path. That involves empowering them with the skills and tools they need to leap over the canyon that separates the poor from the middle class and beyond.

If you are a well-known personality,* here’s what I need from you. I want you to be a team leader in a reality TV show/documentary. You will lead a team of mentors who will help the family you choose escape poverty forever.

This will take time. While your team will do most of the work, you will need to follow your family for several months. We’ll need you in front of the camera helping our viewers understand how your team is empowering your family to win.

If you’re interested, please write to me, and let me know how to best contact you (agent, etc.) with additional information.

Many thanks!

Dwight Clough
PO Box 670
Wyocena, Wisconsin 53969

*By well known personality I mean a well known actor, author, athlete, musician, journalist, elected official, comedian, coach, business person, talk show host, or other celebrity.

Hi, I’m Dwight Clough. I’m the author of Rethinking Our War on Poverty and a couple dozen other books. I’m working to end poverty in the United States one family at a time.

More about Dwight here…